Configuration Guide

Warning: Ensure to review the Crate Configuration section for guidance on configuring lootboxes.

Framework Selection

This is where you can choose your framework, recommended to just leave this on “auto”.

Config.Framework = 'auto' -- (type: string)

Spinning Sound Toggle

This is where you can enable the sound for when selecting a reward. If you want to change the sound you can replace the MP3 file, but doing so without knowledge of react could break the script.

Config.EnableSpinningSound = true -- (type: boolean)

Useable Items Option

This is where you can enable/disable the option to disable the UI selection and make it where you use items to open lootboxes. Enabled = No UI, Useable Items | Disabled = UI Enabled

Config.UseableItems = true -- (type: boolean)

Command to Open UI

If the UI is enabled this is the command used to open it.

Config.Command = 'lootbox' -- (type: string)

UI Color Customization

This is where you can change the colors of the UI, only change this if you have prior or minmial knowledge in CSS.

Config.UI = { -- (type: table)
    Sidebar = 'linear-gradient(150deg, #0038FF -3.19%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50) 62.7%)',  -- (type: string)
    Main = 'linear-gradient(130deg, #0038FF -3.19%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50) 62.7%)',  -- (type: string)

Item Rarity Odds

Adjust the odds for different item rarities. Ensure that the sum of all odds equals 1.0.

Warning: The sum of all rarity odds must exactly equal 1.0.

Config.RarityOdds = { -- (type: table)
    ['legendary'] = 0.07, -- (type: integer)
    ['epic'] = 0.1, -- (type: integer)
    ['rare']  = 0.13, -- (type: integer)
    ['uncommon'] = 0.2, -- (type: integer)
    ['common'] = 0.5, -- (type: integer)

Customizing Text Elements

Modify text elements within the UI, notifications, and more.

Config.Strings = {...}

Notification System Configuration

Customize the notification system to integrate with various server frameworks. The default is set to ox_lib.

  • param: A table with 3 values (data.type, data.title, data.description)
Config.Notification = function(data)