Configuration Guide

Crate Options:

  • text: string
  • image?: string
    • This is the image you need to upload to imgur or discord then copy the link.
  • border?: string
  • hoverColor?: string
  • item?: string
  • requirements: table
    • tier: string
    • item: string
    • itemLabel: string
    • amount: integer
    • tier: string
      • For requirements this should always be set to requirement.
      • Acceptable tiers: requirement.
  • rewards: table
    • tier: string
      • This will determine the odds of receiving the item.
      • Acceptable tiers: legendary, rare, common, uncommon.
    • item: string
    • amount: integer
    • itemLabel: string

Adding Crates:

    text = 'Legendary', -- This will display when selecting the crate.
    image = '', -- If Config.UseableItems is set to true, you can remove this line
    color = 'linear-gradient(158deg, #D24C00 8.96%, #6A2600 85.48%)', -- If Config.UseableItems is set to true, you can remove this line
    border = '0.7px solid #FFBD80', -- If Config.UseableItems is set to true, you can remove this line
    hoverColor = '#804719', -- If Config.UseableItems is set to true, you can remove this line
    -- item = 'legendary_key', -- If you want to use an item to open the crate, uncomment this line and change the item to the item you want to use (make sure Config.UseableItems is set to true)
    requirements = { -- The required items to open the crate
        { tier = 'requirement', item = 'legendary_key', itemLabel = 'Legendary Key', amount = '1' },
    rewards = { -- The possible rewards to reveive when opening the crate
        { tier = 'legendary', item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTRIFLE', itemLabel = 'Assault Rifle', amount = '1' },
        { tier = 'legendary', item = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', itemLabel = 'Carbine Rifle', amount = '1' },
        { tier = 'epic', item = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', itemLabel = 'AP Pistol', amount = '1' },
        { tier = 'epic', item = 'WEAPON_MINISMG', itemLabel = 'Mini SMG', amount = '1' },
        { tier = 'rare', item = 'ammo-rifle', itemLabel = 'Rifle Ammo', amount = '250' },
        { tier = 'rare', item = 'WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL', itemLabel = 'Combat Pistol', amount = '1' },
        { tier = 'common', item = 'ammo-9', itemLabel = 'Pistol Ammo', amount = '75' },
        { tier = 'common', item = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', itemLabel = 'Pistol', amount = '1' },
        { tier = 'uncommon', item = 'water', itemLabel = 'Water', amount = '5' },
        { tier = 'uncommon', item = 'apple', itemLabel = 'Apple', amount = '25' },

Adding Images:

Locate folder: trase_lootboxes/web/build/images

  1. Find any .png image for the file you want.
  2. You need to rename the file to the item name (for e.g. AP Pistol is WEAPON_APPISTOL.png)
  3. Restart the server