Configuration Guide
This is where you will find all the documentation covering the configuration for our script, if you need anything that is not a configurable option do not hesitate to reach out to use via discord!
Configuration Guide
Framework Selection
This is where you can choose your framework, recommended to just leave this on “auto”.
Config.Framework = 'auto' -- (type: string)
Trase Dealer Script
This is the name of the “trase_dealer” resource, its required for the script. If you renamed it put the correct name here.
Config.Dealer = 'trase_dealer' -- (type: string)
Discord Logs
This is where you can enable/disable discord logs. If Enabled, You need to set the webhook in server/open.lua
on the first line.
Config.DiscordLogs = true -- (type: boolean)
Discord Role Benifits
This is where you can configure discord roles to have and receive benifits (example, VIP users)
Config.RoleBenifits = {
Enabled = true, -- (type: boolean) If enabled, players will get benifits from their discord role. (pulls from the top role in the list, so make sure the most important role is at the top.)
StackMultipliers = true, -- (type: boolean) If enabled, the player will stack the multipliers from the discordRole + rank.
Roles = { -- (type: table)
{ -- You can add as many roles that you want!
RoleId = 960632501775257671, -- (type: number) the discord role ID
Benifits = {
CollectionSpeed = 25, -- 25% faster collection speed
ProcessSpeed = 25, -- 25% faster process speed
Multiplier = 2, -- 2x the rewards
This is where you can enable/disable the raid command.
Config.RaidCommand = {
Enabled = true, -- If enabled, players can use /raid to start a raid.
CountDown = 30, -- The time in seconds it will count down from.
AnnounceType = 2, -- 1 = Chat, 2 = TXAdmin Message (can be changed in server/open.lua)
Command = 'raid', -- The command to use to start a raid.
Jobs = { ['police'] = true, ['sheriff'] = true }, -- The jobs that can start a raid.
Radius = 100,
Duration = 2, -- The time in minutes the raid will last.
Punishment = 3 -- 1 = Wipe, 2 = Log, 3 = Wipe + Log
Change Misc Options
This is where you can edit misc changes in the script
Config.Options = {
DrawDistance = 5.0, -- The distance to draw the markers (increasing can hurt performance)
AutoRepeat = true, -- If enabled, the player will not need to press E to farm after each action.
Rank Command
This is where you can enable and edit the command for the player to check there drug rank!
Config.RankCommand = {
Enabled = true, -- If enabled, players can use /rank to view their rank.
Command = 'drugRank' -- The command to use to view the rank.
Rank Configuration
This is where you can configure all the ranks for your server!
Config.Ranks = { -- You can add as many ranks that you want!
RankLabel = 'Dealer', -- Label of the drug
SellRequirement = 10, -- The minimum amount of drugs needing to be sold to reach this rank.
Benifits = {
CollectionSpeed = 5, -- 5% faster collection speed
ProcessSpeed = 5, -- 5% faster process speed
RankLabel = 'Kingpin',
SellRequirement = 25,
Benifits = {
CollectionSpeed = 25, -- 25% faster collection speed
ProcessSpeed = 25, -- 25% faster process speed
Multiplier = 2, -- 2x the rewards
Drug Configuration
This is where you can configure all the drugs for your server!
Config.Drugs = {
-- Configured for:
['coke'] = { -- The name of the drug (used when police do /raid [location])
Label = 'Coke', -- Label of the drug
Speeds = {
Collection = 10, -- Time in seconds to collect the drug
Process = 5 -- Time in seconds to process the drug
Collection = {
Locations = { -- Table where all the collection points are located
vec3(882.4806, -1141.9399, 26.0383),
vec3(880.1509, -1141.8541, 26.0383),
-- For options view for the options. (for only prop + anim)
Options = {
Prop = { model = 'prop_coke_block_half_b', pos = vector3(0.13, 0.03, 0.02), rot = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) }, -- Prop
Anim = { dict = 'mini@repair', clip = 'fixing_a_ped' } -- Animation
Rewards = { -- A table containing all the rewards for collecting. [itemName] = itemAmount
['coke_bag'] = 1
Requirements = false -- Can be set to false for no requirements or can be a table with requirements (example below)
Process = {
Locations = { -- Table where all the process points are located
vec3(879.9382, -1132.7386, 26.0384)
-- For options view for the options. (for only prop + anim)
Options = {
Prop = { model = 'hei_prop_hei_drug_pack_01b', pos = vector3(0.13, 0.03, 0.02), rot = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) },
Anim = { dict = 'mini@repair', clip = 'fixing_a_ped' } -- Anim
Rewards = { -- A table containing all the rewards for processing. [itemName] = itemAmount
['coke_brick'] = 1
Requirements = { -- A table containing all the reqruiments needed for processing the drug.
['coke_bag'] = 10