Configuration Guide

Framework Selection

This is where you can choose your framework, recommended to just leave this on “auto”.

Config.Framework = 'auto' -- (type: string)

Trase Dealer Script

This is the name of the “trase_dealer” resource, its required for the script. If you renamed it put the correct name here.

Config.Dealer = 'trase_dealer' -- (type: string)

Discord Logs

This is where you can enable/disable discord logs. If Enabled, You need to set the webhook in server/open.lua on the first line.

Config.DiscordLogs = true -- (type: boolean)

Discord Role Benifits

This is where you can configure discord roles to have and receive benifits (example, VIP users)

Config.RoleBenifits = {
    Enabled = true, -- (type: boolean) If enabled, players will get benifits from their discord role. (pulls from the top role in the list, so make sure the most important role is at the top.)
    StackMultipliers = true, -- (type: boolean) If enabled, the player will stack the multipliers from the discordRole + rank.
    Roles = { -- (type: table)
        { -- You can add as many roles that you want!
            RoleId = 960632501775257671, -- (type: number) the discord role ID
            Benifits = {
                CollectionSpeed = 25, -- 25% faster collection speed
                ProcessSpeed = 25, -- 25% faster process speed
                Multiplier = 2, -- 2x the rewards


This is where you can enable/disable the raid command.

Config.RaidCommand = {
    Enabled = true, -- If enabled, players can use /raid to start a raid.
    CountDown = 30, -- The time in seconds it will count down from.
    AnnounceType = 2, -- 1 = Chat, 2 = TXAdmin Message (can be changed in server/open.lua)
    Command = 'raid', -- The command to use to start a raid.
    Jobs = { ['police'] = true, ['sheriff'] = true }, -- The jobs that can start a raid.
    Radius = 100,
    Duration = 2, -- The time in minutes the raid will last.
    Punishment = 3 -- 1 = Wipe, 2 = Log, 3 = Wipe + Log

Change Misc Options

This is where you can edit misc changes in the script

Config.Options = {
    DrawDistance = 5.0, -- The distance to draw the markers (increasing can hurt performance)
    AutoRepeat = true, -- If enabled, the player will not need to press E to farm after each action.

Rank Command

This is where you can enable and edit the command for the player to check there drug rank!

Config.RankCommand = {
    Enabled = true, -- If enabled, players can use /rank to view their rank.
    Command = 'drugRank' -- The command to use to view the rank.

Rank Configuration

This is where you can configure all the ranks for your server!

Config.Ranks = { -- You can add as many ranks that you want!
        RankLabel = 'Dealer', -- Label of the drug
        SellRequirement = 10, -- The minimum amount of drugs needing to be sold to reach this rank.
        Benifits = {
            CollectionSpeed = 5, -- 5% faster collection speed
            ProcessSpeed = 5, -- 5% faster process speed
        RankLabel = 'Kingpin',
        SellRequirement = 25,
        Benifits = {
            CollectionSpeed = 25, -- 25% faster collection speed
            ProcessSpeed = 25, -- 25% faster process speed
            Multiplier = 2, -- 2x the rewards

Drug Configuration

This is where you can configure all the drugs for your server!

Config.Drugs = {
    -- Configured for:
    ['coke'] = { -- The name of the drug (used when police do /raid [location])
        Label = 'Coke', -- Label of the drug
        Speeds = {
            Collection = 10, -- Time in seconds to collect the drug
            Process = 5 -- Time in seconds to process the drug

        Collection = {
            Locations = { -- Table where all the collection points are located
                vec3(882.4806, -1141.9399, 26.0383),
                vec3(880.1509, -1141.8541, 26.0383),

            -- For options view for the options. (for only prop + anim)
            Options = {
                Prop = { model = 'prop_coke_block_half_b', pos = vector3(0.13, 0.03, 0.02), rot = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) }, -- Prop
                Anim = { dict = 'mini@repair', clip = 'fixing_a_ped' } -- Animation

            Rewards = { -- A table containing all the rewards for collecting. [itemName] = itemAmount
                ['coke_bag'] = 1

            Requirements = false -- Can be set to false for no requirements or can be a table with requirements (example below)

        Process = {
            Locations = { -- Table where all the process points are located
                vec3(879.9382, -1132.7386, 26.0384)

            -- For options view for the options. (for only prop + anim)
            Options = {
                Prop = { model = 'hei_prop_hei_drug_pack_01b', pos = vector3(0.13, 0.03, 0.02), rot = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) },
                Anim = { dict = 'mini@repair', clip = 'fixing_a_ped' } -- Anim

            Rewards = { -- A table containing all the rewards for processing. [itemName] = itemAmount
                ['coke_brick'] = 1

            Requirements = { -- A table containing all the reqruiments needed for processing the drug.
                ['coke_bag'] = 10