Framework Selection

This is where you can choose your framework, recommended to just leave this on “auto”.

Config.Framework = 'auto' -- (type: string)

Job Restriction

Restricts script access. false allows access to all players. A specific job name restricts access to players with that job.

Config.Job = false -- (type: boolean OR string)

Progress Bar

Enable the progress bar. (Requires ox_lib)

Config.Progress = true -- (type: boolean)

3-erd Eye Intergration

This will enable or disable the 3-erd eye option. (requiers ox_target)

Config.Target = true -- (type: boolean)

Duration To Find Client

How long it takes to find a client (in seconds) (min, max) e.g. 5-7 seconds

Config.FindClientTimer = {5, 7} -- (type: table)

Cleanup Duration

Time in seconds to delete the object or ped once the mission is complete

Config.Wait = 60 -- (type: integer)

Blip Custimization

This is where you can enable/disable & customize the delivery blip.

Config.Blip = { -- (type: table)
    Enabled = true, -- (type: boolean)
    Sprite = 1, -- (type: integer)
    Color = 5, -- (type: integer)
    Scale = 0.8, -- (type: integer)

Job Payout

  • This is that people do not need to configure each and every mission payout.
  • If you wish to have a specific job pay more or less you can set that in the mission table.
Config.Reward = {
    Item = 'money', -- 'money' OR 'black_money' OR 'bank' -- (type: string)
    Amount = { 1000, 2500 } -- (min, max) e.g. $1000-$2500 -- (type: table)

Command Configuration

Config.Command = { -- (type: table)
    Enabled = true, -- (type: boolean)
    Command = 'deliverfood' -- (type: string)

Mission Configuration

  • If MissionType is set to “dropoff” then HandOff coords is not required, and vice-versa.
    MissionType = 'dropoff', -- 'dropoff' OR 'handoff'
    DropOff = vec3(-824.7894, 422.4605, 92.1244), -- Where the player needs to drop off the food and the bag is placed.
    -- HandOff = vec4(-824.7828, 422.3705, 91.1242, 358.7914), -- x, y, z, heading: Where the ped is located to hand off the food.
    -- If below is specified it will override the Config.Reward
    -- Reward = {
    --     Item = 'money', -- 'money' OR 'black_money' OR 'bank'
    --     Amount = { 100, 200 } -- (min, max) e.g. $100-$200
    -- }
    MissionType = 'handoff',
    HandOff = vec4(-762.4222, 431.6999, 99.0545, 19.3861),
    MissionType = 'dropoff',
    DropOff = vec3(-297.8313, 380.0955, 112.0952),

Food Models

This is where you can add/remove food props that are used.

Config.FoodModels = { -- (type: table)
        Model = `ng_proc_food_bag01a`, -- Model Hash
        Rotation = vector3(0.0, -100.0, 0.0), -- Vector3 for rotation of the object
        Position = vector3(0.3, 0.0, 0.05) -- X = Down, Y = Forward, Z = Right -- Vector3 for positioning of object

Ped Models

The list of models that the customer can be.

Config.CustomerPedModels = { -- (type: table)

Custom Notifications

  • Param returns a table containing: data.type, data.title, data.description
Config.Notify = function(data)