This function takes three parameters: ‘target’, which is the ID of the player who you want to get the role information that should be checked, ‘role’, which is either a single integer or a table of integers representing the role(s) to be checked, and ‘stack’, which is an optional boolean value that determines whether the function should return all found roles in a table or just the first found role. It returns either a boolean value indicating whether the player has the specified role or a table of all roles that were found, depending on the value of ‘stack’.

exports.trase_discord:hasRole(serverId, role or roles, stack)
  • serverId: integer
    • The server ID of the player you want to retrieve the discord info for.
  • role: integer or table
    • This function has a built in option where you can check for multiple discord roles in a table or just one.
      • Use role id’s to check
  • stack: boolean
    • If enabled and the roles is a table, then it will return a table of all found roles that were found in the table.

Returns: boolean or table


Check one role

RegisterCommand('checkrole', function(src)
    local roleID = 1039982382268305472

    local role = exports.trase_discord:hasRole(src, roleID)
    if (not role) then
        -- No roles found

    print(('Role: %s was found.'):format(roleID))

Check for multiple roles

RegisterCommand('checkrole', function(src)
    local tableRoles = {
        [1040852709726748732] = 'Owner',
        [1039982382268305472] = 'Developer',
        [1039960980467240972] = 'Admin'

    local role, roleFound = exports.trase_discord:hasRole(src, tableRoles)
    if (not role) then
        -- No roles found

    print(('Role: %s was found.'):format(tableRoles[roleFound]))

Check for multiple roles, stack all roles found

RegisterCommand('stackroles', function(src)
    local tableRoles = {
        [1040852709726748732] = 'Owner',
        [1039982382268305472] = 'Developer',
        [1039960980467240972] = 'Admin'

    local roles = exports.trase_discord:hasRole(src, tableRoles, true)
    if (not roles) then
        -- No roles found

    print(json.encode(roles, { indent = true }))