For easier to read reasons both the ranks & drug configuration have there own category.

Make sure to configure the server.lua config too, scroll down to view the configuration guide for that.

client & server sided config

Here is where you can decide what framework you want to use. Note: If you choose “custom framework” you need to setup the framework and it’s functions in via “frameworks/custom.lua”.

0 = ESX
1 = QBCore
2 = Custom Framework
config.framework = 0 -- (type: integer)

Here is where you can add/remove the commands that will start the selling process.

Config.SellCommands = { 'dealer', 'selldrugs', 'trap' } -- (type: table)

Here is where you can enable/disable the context menu where if the player has more then 1 drug available to sell then it will pop up a selection menu.

Config.EnableSelection = true -- (type: boolean)

Here is where you can decide the spawn distance that you want the ped spawning from the player.

Config.SpawnDistance = 50.0 -- (type: integer)

The time (in seconds) it takes to sell on level 1

Config.DefaultSellTime = 12 -- (type: integer)

Here is where you can enable/disable the option to only allow selling at night.

Config.SellOnlyNight = true -- (type: boolean)

Here is where you can add a list of jobs that is not allowed to sell drugs.

Config.BlacklistedJobs = { -- (type: table)

Here is where you can add a list of blacklisted coords with a radius to prevent drug selling.

Config.BlacklistedLocations = { -- (type: table)
    vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 25.0), -- X, Y, Z, Radius

Here is where you can enable/disable the police job, if enabled the configured job will get alerts if a client declines a drug sale.

Config.Police = { -- (type: table)
    Enabled = true, -- (type: boolean)
    Job = 'police' -- (type: string)

Here is where you can configure the notification texts of when a ped declines a sale. (it will automatically select one from this list)

Config.DenyStrings = {
    'This stuff is shitty!',
    'I want the real shit, what is this?!',
    'This shit wack.',

Here is where you can change all the text/notifications (support for other languages)

Config.Strings = {
    ['NoDrugs'] = 'You have no drugs to sell!',
    ['MenuTitle'] = 'Select Drug Option',
    ['NoClientFound'] = 'No clients were found, try moving around.',
    ['ClientFound'] = 'Client found, they\'re approaching now.',
    ['ClientScared'] = 'The client got scared and ran away.',
    ['NoInVeh'] = 'You can\'t sell drugs while in a vehicle.',
    ['SoldDrug'] = 'You sold {DRUG_NAME} for ${DRUG_PRICE}.',
    ['RankUp'] = 'Congrats! You have sold a total of {TOTAL_DRUGSALE} drugs and ranked up to {RANK_LABEL}!',
    ['SellIncrease'] = 'You got a {DRUG_MULTI}% sell increase due to your rank!',
    ['SellIncreaseDiscord'] = 'You got a {DRUG_MULTI}% sell increase due to being a donator!',
    ['AlertPolice'] = 'A suspect spotted selling drugs!',
    ['BlacklistedJob'] = 'You are not allowed to sell drugs with this job!',
    ['CantSellHere'] = 'You cannot sell drugs here!',
    ['CurrentlyDrugRank'] = 'You are currently rank {DRUG_RANK}, and have sold a total of x{DRUG_TOTALSOLD} drugs!',
    ['NotNight'] = 'You can only sell drugs during night time!',

Here is where you can add/replace/remove the ped models that are spawned to come and collect the drugs.

The ped model must start with the back tick (`) otherwise it will not work properly.

Config.PedModels = { -- (type: table)

Server Sided Config

On QBCore if you set the paytype to “markedbills” then make sure to decrease the price for each drug + disable the “RandomizePay” option.

This is where you will set the specific paytype that it will give you when a drug sale is completed.

ESX Money Types: "money", "bank", "black_money"
QBCore Money Types: "cash", "markedbills"
Config.PayType = 'black_money' -- (type: string)

If enabled, it will add a random number 1-200

Config.RandomizePay = true -- (type: boolean)

This is where you can enable/disable & configure the command for players to check there dealer rank.

Config.Command = { -- (type: table)
    Enabled = true, -- (type: boolean)
    Command = 'dealerrank' -- (type: string)

This is where you can enable/disable the option to use discord benifits, you can make where people with a specific discord role gets a increased sell price. (Requires trase_discord)

Config.Discord = {
    Enabled = false, -- Requires:
    ResourceName = 'trase_discord', -- In case you renamed the resource.
    Roles = {
        [1] = {
            RoleID = 1094982744133619782,
            SellPrice = 25 -- Sell 25% more (adds on to the rank)