Default Rank Configuration

Config.Ranks = {
    [1] = {
        RankLabel = 'Rank: 2',
        SellRequirement = 100,
        Modifiers = {
            SellTime = 10, -- The time (in seconds) it takes to sell the drug on the phone with the ped
            SellPrice = 10 -- Sell 10% more
    [2] = {
        RankLabel = 'Rank: 3',
        SellRequirement = 500,
        Modifiers = {
            SellTime = 8, -- The time (in seconds) it takes to sell the drug on the phone with the ped
            SellPrice = 15 -- Sell 15% more
    [3] = {
        RankLabel = 'Rank: 4',
        SellRequirement = 750,
        Modifiers = {
            SellTime = 6, -- The time (in seconds) it takes to sell the drug on the phone with the ped
            SellPrice = 20 -- Sell 20% more
    [4] = {
        RankLabel = 'Rank: 5',
        SellRequirement = 1000,
        Modifiers = {
            SellTime = 4, -- The time (in seconds) it takes to sell the drug on the phone with the ped
            SellPrice = 25 -- Sell 25% more

Now lets break it all down.

RankLabel -- The label that the will be displayed when the player checks there dealer rank.
SellRequirement -- The amount of drugs they are required to sell to reach the rank.
Modifiers -- This is where you can give rewards depending on the players rank.
Modifiers.SellTime -- The time (in seconds) it takes to sell the drug.
Modifiers.SellPrice -- The % increase the drug sells for.

For any further help or questions you can contact us via discord!