Getting Started

Make sure to follow the correct framework installation guide.

Installation Guide (Setting Up Resource)

  1. Download the most up to date resource from keymaster.
  2. Drag the “trase_mining” into your resources. (You can rename the resource)
  3. Drag the “trase_pickaxe” into your resources. (You can rename the resource)
  4. Open the “config.lua” then follow the configuration guide.
  5. Add “ensure trase_mining” & “ensure trase_pickaxe” to your server.cfg.
  6. Make sure everything works as expected, for any support contact us via discord.

ESX Installation (Setting Up Custom Pickaxe + Items)

If you are not using ox_inventory and on ESX then to add the custom pickaxe model you must do the following:

Install Pickaxe

My mining system comes with a unique addon pickaxe to mine rocks, to add it via ESX follow these steps:

  1. Goto es_extended/config.weapons.lua
  2. Locate “Config.Weapons” and add this right under the bat:
{ name = 'WEAPON_PICKAXE', label = 'Pickaxe', components = {} },

Install Items

My mining system comes with 11 pre-configured items for mining, you can add more. But to install these pre-configured items please do the following:

  1. Open your database and execute this query:
INSERT INTO `items` (`name`, `label`, `weight`) VALUES
  ('coal', 'Coal', 25),
  ('raw_copper', 'Raw Copper', 25),
  ('raw_diamond', 'Raw Diamond', 25),
  ('raw_gold', 'Raw Gold', 25),
  ('raw_iron', 'Raw Iron', 25),
  ('raw_metal', 'Raw Metal', 25),
  ('smelted_copper', 'Copper', 25),
  ('smelted_diamond', 'Diamond', 25),
  ('smelted_gold', 'Gold', 25),
  ('smelted_iron', 'Iron', 25),
  ('smelted_metal', 'Metal', 25),

QBCore Installation (Setting Up Custom Pickaxe + Items)

My mining system comes with a unique addon pickaxe to mine rocks, to add it via QBCore follow these steps:

  1. Goto qb-core/shared/weapons.lua
  2. Add This:
[`weapon_pickaxe`] = {['name'] = 'weapon_pickaxe', ['label'] = 'Pickaxe', ['weapontype'] = 'Melee',	['ammotype'] = nil, ['damagereason'] = 'Melee killed / Whacked / Executed / Beat down / Murdered / Battered'},
  1. Goto qb-core/shared/items.lua
  2. Add This:
  ['weapon_pickaxe']                  = {['name'] = 'weapon_pickaxe',                    ['label'] = 'Pickaxe',                   ['weight'] = 1000,         ['type'] = 'weapon',     ['ammotype'] = nil,                          ['image'] = 'WEAPOON_PICKAXE.png',                   ['unique'] = true,         ['useable'] = false,     ['description'] = 'Used to mine rocks' },

Install Items

My mining system comes with 11 pre-configured items for mining, you can add more. But to install these pre-configured items please do the following:

  1. Goto qb-core/shared/items.lua
  2. Add This:
    -- Mining System
    ['coal']                            = {['name'] = 'coal',                              ['label'] = 'Coal',                      ['weight'] = 25,           ['type'] = 'item',       ['image'] = 'coal.png',                      ['unique'] = false,         ['useable'] = false,     ['description'] = 'Can be sold.' },
    ['raw_copper']                      = {['name'] = 'raw_copper',                        ['label'] = 'Raw Copper',                ['weight'] = 25,           ['type'] = 'item',       ['image'] = 'raw_copper.png',                ['unique'] = false,         ['useable'] = false,     ['description'] = 'Can be smelted.' },
    ['raw_diamond']                     = {['name'] = 'raw_diamond',                       ['label'] = 'Raw Diamond',               ['weight'] = 25,           ['type'] = 'item',       ['image'] = 'raw_diamond.png',               ['unique'] = false,         ['useable'] = false,     ['description'] = 'Can be smelted.' },
    ['raw_gold']                        = {['name'] = 'raw_gold',                          ['label'] = 'Raw Gold',                  ['weight'] = 25,           ['type'] = 'item',       ['image'] = 'raw_gold.png',                  ['unique'] = false,         ['useable'] = false,     ['description'] = 'Can be smelted.' },
    ['raw_iron']                        = {['name'] = 'raw_iron',                          ['label'] = 'Raw Iron',                  ['weight'] = 25,           ['type'] = 'item',       ['image'] = 'raw_iron.png',                  ['unique'] = false,         ['useable'] = false,     ['description'] = 'Can be smelted.' },
    ['raw_metal']                       = {['name'] = 'raw_metal',                         ['label'] = 'Raw Metal',                 ['weight'] = 25,           ['type'] = 'item',       ['image'] = 'raw_metal.png',                 ['unique'] = false,         ['useable'] = false,     ['description'] = 'Can be smelted.' },
    ['smelted_copper']                  = {['name'] = 'smelted_copper',                    ['label'] = 'Smelted Copper',            ['weight'] = 25,           ['type'] = 'item',       ['image'] = 'smelted_copper.png',            ['unique'] = false,         ['useable'] = false,     ['description'] = 'Can be sold.' },
    ['smelted_diamond']                 = {['name'] = 'smelted_diamond',                   ['label'] = 'Smelted Diamond',           ['weight'] = 25,           ['type'] = 'item',       ['image'] = 'smelted_diamond.png',           ['unique'] = false,         ['useable'] = false,     ['description'] = 'Can be sold.' },
    ['smelted_gold']                    = {['name'] = 'smelted_gold',                      ['label'] = 'Smelted Gold',              ['weight'] = 25,           ['type'] = 'item',       ['image'] = 'smelted_gold.png',              ['unique'] = false,         ['useable'] = false,     ['description'] = 'Can be sold.' },
    ['smelted_iron']                    = {['name'] = 'smelted_iron',                      ['label'] = 'Smelted Iron',              ['weight'] = 25,           ['type'] = 'item',       ['image'] = 'smelted_iron.png',              ['unique'] = false,         ['useable'] = false,     ['description'] = 'Can be sold.' },
    ['smelted_metal']                   = {['name'] = 'smelted_metal',                     ['label'] = 'Smelted Metal',             ['weight'] = 25,           ['type'] = 'item',       ['image'] = 'smelted_metal.png',             ['unique'] = false,         ['useable'] = false,     ['description'] = 'Can be sold.' },

OX Inventory Installation

Installation guide if you are using the very popular inventory system ox_inventory.

Creating Pickaxe

With my mining script is comes with a addon pickaxe model (this is handled as a weapon), so to install it you must do the follwing:

  1. Goto the following: ox_inventory/data/weapons.lua.
  2. Add this:
    label = 'Pickaxe',
    weight = 1134,
    durability = 0.1,

Creating Shop

There is a configurable option to allow the shop to open an ox_inventory shop when talking to the ped. (keep in mind for this to work Config.Shop.Type must be set to ox_inventory)

Installation Guide:

  1. Goto the following: ox_inventory/data/shops.lua
  2. Add this:
MiningShop = {
    name = 'Mining Shop',
    inventory = {
        { name = 'WEAPON_PICKAXE', price = 1000 },

Installing Items

My mining system comes with 11 pre-configured items for mining, you can add more. But to install these pre-configured items please do the following:

  1. Goto the following: ox_inventory/data/items.lua
  2. Add this:
["coal"] = {
    label = "Coal",
    weight = 25,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

["raw_copper"] = {
    label = "Raw Copper",
    weight = 25,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

["raw_diamond"] = {
    label = "Raw Diamond",
    weight = 25,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

["raw_gold"] = {
    label = "Raw Gold",
    weight = 25,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

["raw_iron"] = {
    label = "Raw Iron",
    weight = 25,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

["raw_metal"] = {
    label = "Raw Metal",
    weight = 25,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

["smelted_copper"] = {
    label = "Copper",
    weight = 25,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

["smelted_diamond"] = {
    label = "Diamond",
    weight = 25,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

["smelted_gold"] = {
    label = "Gold",
    weight = 25,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

["smelted_iron"] = {
    label = "Iron",
    weight = 25,
    stack = true,
    close = true,

["smelted_metal"] = {
    label = "Metal",
    weight = 25,
    stack = true,
    close = true,